So you decided to cancel that last retouch appointment or you have thrown away that jar of motions that you have in your cabinet. First let me say congratulations! Second I must ask you are you sure and ready for the changes that are going to take place?
I'm not one to bash anyone who gets relaxers so if you get them and are happy with them then you do you boo! I just came to the realization that they weren't for me and I had my reasons for that. My reasons were because I got tired of paying tons of money to get relaxers done, I had a bad relaxer experience where I lost some of my hair, and I liked my natural curl pattern.
So first ask yourself this question: 1.Why are you going natural?
Please, please, please make sure you are doing this for you and not because all of your friends are doing it or because you saw someone who is natural and you want hair like theirs because you will be highly disappointed.
Now if you answer that question and you are ready then lets get to transitioning!
The first time I attempted to go natural was a mess I was growing out a short hair style so when my hair got curly it was really short and I just wasn't comfortable with it so I slapped a mild perm in it. YouTube videos weren't as popular they are now and products definitely weren't in abundance as they are now.
The second time around......
This attempt was way better. I transitioned for about 8 to 9 months. I flat ironed my hair most of the time because I had no idea how to deal with two textures.I did bantu knot outs a few times. YOUR TEXTURE WILL CHANGE A FEW TIMES. The more permed ends you have the more weight there is pulling down on your curls and kinks so they might seem looser than what they realty are at first.
I got a inch trimmed off my hair every 6 to 8 weeks until one day I had about an inch or two of permed ends left and i grabbed the scissors and cut the ends off myself. About a month later I straightened my hair and went to the salon so they could even my hair out.
Now I wish that I transitioned differently instead of straightening my hair. My advice that I would give to any future natural is to use the resources that are out there.YouTube needs to become your best friend. Bantu knots, braid and twist outs, twist and curl are all styles you should try.
Here are some of my personal favorite tutorials:
Try many products! As long as you stay away from products that contain harsh sulfates, mineral oil and petroleum you will be fine. You have to find what works good for your hair.Keeping your hair moisturized is a key thing to healthy hair so its ok to be a product junky. Here are some of my favorite products:
Whenever you moisturize you have to seal or lock in the moisture with an oil. Simply just apply the oil of your choice to your hair after you moisturize and there you go! Here are some of my fav oils. You can find some of them in the grocery store on the cooking oil isle.
Well that's all I can think of now if you have any questions just ask either on here, instagram, or by email at Happy transitioning!
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