So to start this topic off I first have to tell you guys what hair is made of so you will know why I'm slapping all this food in my hair.
Shaft - The hair shaft is made up of dead, hard protein called keratin in three layers. (Heather Brannon, MD The Biology of Hair)
So if you have ever wondered why people are always taking about protein treatments its because hair is made up of proteins.
Now there are actual protein treatments that you can buy at the beauty supply store but every review I have heard about those scare me. Girls always say they make your hair hard as a brick, you can't touch it when the product has hardened, and if you don't wash it all the way out your hair will fall out. Now the ladies who have the protein treatment game down pack really do have nice hair and great results but my anxiety just won't let me try it lol. So I turned to making my own with the one thing I really love in this world; food. I use one whole avocado(the softer the better), one whole banana, a cup of PLAIN yogurt, and some olive oil. I don't put an egg in mine because you only can wash it out in cold/cool water or else the egg will start to cook and I don't have time for that lol.
Here is why I chose my ingredients:
Avocados provide all 18 essential amino acids necessary for the body to form a complete protein.(So its great for eating too)
One medium sized banana has about 1 gram of protein.
The yogurt I use has 3 grams of protein in one cup and the yogurt is a great base for the mixture.
Olive oil is inexpensive, a great essential oil, and it gives the mixture great slip.
I blend all of these up in my blender until it is nice and smooth. If it doesn't seem smooth enough to you add more oil.
I then apply the mixture to my DRY hair, from root to tip, in sections combing it through (this is also detangling time. Once I'm done with the section I roll it up in a little ball and move on to the next one.Once I'm done with my whole head I put on a shower cap and I'm usually hungry after I finish and I go eat something lol. After I finish eating (about 15 or 20 minutes later) I rinse the product out. I take down the balled sections one by one and rinse it thoroughly with warm/hot water. After I rinse my hair I go back with conditioner making sure I try my best to not mess up my beautiful detangled curls because I'm definitely not going to detangle again.
The results are amazing and it makes my hair feel so great and refreshes my curls.
I don't do this on washed hair especially not shampooed because the food is more likely to get stuck in your hair. You can also strain the mixture but I'm always too lazy to do that lol.
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